

Posture control, awareness of body and mind, muscle strengthening and fluidity of movements

Pilates is a form of exercise which focuses on posture control, on the awareness on the awareness of body and mind, on the muscle strengthening and fluidity of movements. It rigorously follows a set of theoretical and philosophical principles, making it a method which focuses on overall wellbeing and not just a series of exercises.

The strength of this method lies in its versatility: it can be used as a specific training regimen for athletes and dancers, for improving specific movements used in a variety of sports, as well as for fitness and for rehabilitation, depending on the participant’s goals their physique, and the type of activity they wish to do. It is therefore an excellent preparation for those who play sports, for correcting poor posture or muscle imbalances, as well as for older people to maintain strength and flexibility, or following a course of rehabilitation.

I teach Pilates to many different people – those who love to exercise without any specific fitness goals in mind, those who are simply looking for a way to take care of their body. and keep themselves in good shape and good health, and to athletes, mainly dancers. I believe it is one of the best and most effective dance conditioning techniques of the many now available. because both dance and Pilates work on very similar principles, focusing on concentration and on the quality, fluidity and control of movement. And the benefits of Pilates are remarkable, improving physical fitness to help the dancer to reach higher levels of athleticism and performance, while addressing postural rebalancing to help prevent injury. It also plays an important role in rehabilitation following injury

Exercises are performed in various ways and with a variety of mechanical stimuli: they can be performed as free body exercises, with or without the use of small pieces of equipment which stimulate the student in various ways (sometimes challenging them, at other times supporting them in a certain movement). Exercises can also be done using large machines: Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Barrel.