
of movement

The experience I have gained over these years of teaching Dance and Pilates has shown me the importance of correct and conscious movement, performed in harmony with the mechanics of the human body. An approach which puts the body at the centre of my practice and which focuses first and foremost on the wellbeing of the student, both during sporting activity and in daily life.

Every day I work with athletes and dancers, and with people who simply see movement as a path to better physical and mental health, and who want to move better, breathe better, be more agile. They are people of all ages, often with mild or serious health conditions, who want to learn to improve their posture and optimise the movement of their bodies as they go about their daily lives, helping them to cope better with all of life’s challenges.




Throughout my years of academic training I have mainly studied the Russian method, the foundation on which I have built my teaching technique. I believe deeply in this method and seek to study and improve day after day, through my experience in the dance room and on regular training courses.

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Pilates is a form of exercise which focuses on posture control, muscle strengthening and the fluidity and precision of movements, and on the awareness of body and mind. The strength of this method lies in its versatility: it can be used as a specific training regimen for athletes and dancers, for improving specific movements used in a variety of sports, as well as for fitness and for rehabilitation. It is excellent in the athletic preparation of sportsmen, useful in rebalancing wrong postures or in case of unbalanced development of the muscles; it is useful for older people, to maintain strength and elasticity, and during a post-rehabilitation course

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Following an artistic career in Italy and overseas, I began teaching ballet full-time, becoming certified to teach the programme and method of the La Scala Theatre Ballet School She is certified as a teacher of the American Ballet Theater National Training Curriculum. She is a certified teacher of the Progressing Ballet Technique method. I am a qualified SID (Science in Dance) practitioner, specialising in physical preparation and injury prevention in dance. A Pilates Matwork teacher certified by the Italian institute Pilates Network, and a Pilates Reformer teacher certified by the Balanced Body and Fisicamente Pilates institutes. I am a member of Italy’s professional association for Pilates instructors (APPI) as a second-level instructor.